Still Rough Sailing

I can’t seem to catch many breaks lately. Have I updated since my dad had a stroke…? I don’t know if I have.

He’s okay now. Ish. Still working out the medicine to prevent a second one.

There’s not much else to say at the moment, but next update I’ll upload some pictures and talk a little bit about my experience carrying a Japanese omikoshi in the festival last weekend. I will also complain a lot about the enormous bruise I earned in the process.

About Jessica

Jessica is an avid writer and artist who dabbles in novel writing and chases pixie dreams on social media. Currently employed as an assistant language teacher in Japan, she mainly blogs about daily life and helpful tips for future residents in the land of the rising sun.

Posted on September 17, 2013, in Japan. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. We might be on the same page on that break topic..on another note, Glad dad is doing better.. and I definitely want to hear about that omikoshi adventure. I know you mentioned previously about all these festivals around you…

    • Things just kind of exploded in my face and kept exploding. I was in no position to keep blogging for the past little while. I was lucky if I convinced myself that eating was a good plan.

      I will definitely try to write up a piece about it tonight. It was a good cultural experience, even if I fill like my ribs have been crushed. Might go up tomorrow, though. Gotta take Chi to the vet for his follow-up shots. Life is never slow!

      • I hope that all this that’s going on in your life is just a phase..I have to admit that its hard when these things hit you out of nowhere it gets hard to get back up. However, once you are up and running again, it starts to feel good.

        Hope your ribs feel a little better.. nothing a nice tea can’t help.
